What is Intentional Private Practice?

What is Intentional Private Practice?

Welcome to Intentional Private Practice!  I am so excited that you are here.  This blog is a little sneak-peek into the philosophy behind my coaching and clinical consultation business. Intentional Private Practice evolved organically from my clinical psychology...
May You Fail Brilliantly

May You Fail Brilliantly

Failure.  The word alone may have just spiked your stress response.  We like to succeed, don’t we?  Close your eyes for a moment (after you read the rest of my sentence!) and imagine a life moment where you really learned something about yourself, about others,...
Life, Disrupted.

Life, Disrupted.

How often are we going about our lives, thinking things are possibly going according to plan, when we are met with disruption? Disruption.  Even the word sounds violent.  Rupture–to break open.   In the face of disruption, most of us fight back.  Our sense of...
Declutter Your Holiday

Declutter Your Holiday

4 days to go.  4. More. Days.  Anyone else waving the white flag of surrender, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by the holiday season?  I’m not sure what is in the air this year, but I am beat… and it’s not just me.  My kids, my...
Listening Beneath the Surface

Listening Beneath the Surface

Imagine the scene: It’s a weekday, a little past the “regular” lunch hour.  I have a break in my schedule and lacked the foresight to pack my lunch, so I head out of the office for a breather and some food.  Driving across to the nearby...
Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal Recipe

Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal Recipe

It’s fall and that means all things pumpkin.  But not the cloying over sweet fake pumpkin you-know-what slurped down from the corner coffee shop. I mean real pumpkin, full of fiber and beta carotene.  Combine it with the wholesomeness of stick to your ribs whole...


Free Gift: The Mental Health Provider's Ultimate Guide to Defining Your Niche!

The number one question I hear from practice builders is "How do I build my caseload?"  The answer is marketing, but you can't market if you don't know to whom you are marketing, which starts with defining your niche. Where to start?  Don't worry, I got your back!  Intentional Private Practice has a special gift for our email subscribers--the only guide you'll need to define your niche so you can connect meaningfully with your ideal clients!  This beautifully illustrated guide will help you find your ideal clients so you can build your practice intentionally!

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